Saint James Church
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 Redemptorist Missionaries
Upcoming Events
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Our helpful staff is available 
Monday through Friday
 to answer all of your questions. .

Religious services

9am to 12am – 1pm to 2pm: Parish Office
8pm: Men Rosary (last Monday of the month)
8pm: Baptism Class preparation (second Monday  of month)

9am to 12am – 1pm to 5pm: Parish Office + Confession service
8pm: Pastoral Meeting

9am to 12am – 1pm to 5pm: Parish Office + Confession service
7:30pm : Mass with Novena
8:30pm: Prayer Group Meeting

9am to 12am – 1pm to 5pm: Parish Office + Confession service
8pm: Special Mass 

9am to 12am – 1pm to 5pm: Parish Office + Confession service
8pm: Adoration of the Most Holy (First of week)
5pm: Food Pantry (Twice month) (Social Ministry)
7pm to 9pm : Catechesis

8am: Adoration of the Most Holy (Third of week)
9:30am to 11:30am: Portuguese classes
10am: Baptisms (First of week)
4pm: Mass in English
7pm: Mass in Portuguese
8pm: Youth Ministry 

7:30am: Mass in Portuguese
9am: Mass in Portuguese 
10am: Catechesis for Adults
10:45am: Mass in Portuguese 
12am: Mass in English
6pm: Mass in Portuguese

"Let all the earth cry out to God with joy" Mark 1,15
The Lord Jesus appointed seventy-two disciples to every town and place he intended to visit.“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;
so ask the master of the harvest
to send out laborers for his harvest..."
(Lk 10,1-2)
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